Why Hire a Designer?

We have all been there. Staring down a big project and not even knowing where to start.  It is very intimidating, finding a professional to help, when you yourself don’t even know where to start.  And then come all the doubts. What if it costs too much?  What if I get ripped off?  What if I could just do this myself?  All valid questions, and hopefully with the right advice, you can start erasing some of these doubts from your mind. 

This is especially true of Interior Design.  This business has a real reputation for being only available to the wealthy.  And the flawlessly edited photos that we are inundated with on social media does not help ease those fears.  But the secret is that great design is available to all, and below are a few things to consider if you are thinking of seeking the help of a professional for your next home project.


It will cost too much money…

Most designers will have a range of services, depending on your needs.  Ranging from an in home consultation, to managing full scope renovations and builds, an Interior Designer will have a service, and appropriate fees, that will work for your project. 

Speaking with a professional will also save you money down the road, as their advice may steer you away from costly mistakes.  A designer can also advise on small things you can do to increase the resale value of your home.


My project is too small…

While most design firms are very busy, it does not mean that your project needs to be a villa in France in order for them to consider it.  And if the designer you call is fully booked, they may be able to recommend a colleague who is available to help. 


I can just shop locally…

While every city has its own community of local artisans and shops, a designer can offer you a wealth of knowledge and sources for all your home needs.  They can also advise on trusted trades and companies that they have worked with in the past, taking the guess work out of finding your own sources. 

So the moral of this story is…take a chance. Make a call. You have nothing to lose, and only an opportunity to gain.